Faculty and Staff
Final grades
All final grades should be posted in "Final Grading" on Workday under the Faculty Menu. Workday can be accessed at workday.simmons.edu.
- Undergraduate and graduate programs: For fall and spring semesters, grades should be posted for each term by the deadlines posted on the Academic Calendar.
- Simmons Online Nursing, Social Work, and MBA/HCMBA Graduate Programs: All grades are due 5 business days after the last class. Grades may be due earlier for graduating students.
- All summer semesters: Grades are due 5 business days after the last class.
Grade Changes
If a grade is submitted incorrectly, corrections may be sent in writing to the Office of the Registrar or to [email protected] for two weeks after the deadline, at the discretion of the Office of the Registrar. After that point, any grade changes must be approved by the Dean for each School before being submitted to the Office of the Registrar. All questions about posting grades should be directed to the Office of the Registrar.
Phone: 617-521-2111
[email protected]
Incomplete Grades
Incomplete Evaluations for Undergraduate Students
Required coursework must ordinarily be completed by the last day of final examinations. In extenuating circumstances, undergraduate students may
- request an "incomplete" (I) grade, as described below.
- appeal to the Undergraduate Administrative Board for a "retroactive W." Students should consult their faculty advisor, Student Affairs, or the Advising Office as early as possible when extenuating circumstances make it impossible to complete the coursework.
Failure to file an approved incomplete agreement with the Registrar (in the absence of a grade) will result in the automatic assignment of an F grade. Failure to submit work by the date agreed in an Incomplete Agreement will result in the assignment of the grade noted in the agreement (F or other).
Instructors Shall Approve Incomplete Agreements only if:
- The required work in the course is incomplete because of circumstances beyond the student's control.
- The student is able to complete the remaining required work within 4 weeks of the last day of classes. If the student needs longer to complete the work, they must petition the Ad Board.
- No more than 30% of required coursework or work worth more than 50% of the total grade remains to be completed. The earned grade shall be recorded.
- Completion of the remaining work makes a passing grade in the course possible. (If completion of the remaining work cannot result in a passing grade, the student is not eligible for an Incomplete. An F shall be recorded.)
Incomplete Agreements for Undergraduate Students
- The Incomplete Agreement shall outline a plan to complete the work. The agreement shall include the grade to be filed by the Registrar should the student not complete the work.
- Incomplete Agreements must be submitted to the Registrar by the last day of classes in the semester the course is offered. If circumstances make this impossible, students must appeal to the Ad Board for approval of the Incomplete.
- If a student is unable to initiate the paperwork, their instructor or advisor may fill out the form; in such cases, the petition may be accepted without the student's signature.
- If the instructor will not be available to complete the grading, the Incomplete Agreement must be submitted to and signed by the Department Chair or Program Director to ensure the grading of the submitted work.
- Students requesting more than 2 incomplete agreements in a semester must petition the Administrative Board for approval. You can learn more about the Administrative Board process on our Exceptions & Exemptions page.
Appealing a Denied Incomplete Agreement
In cases where an Instructor does not approve an Incomplete Agreement, a student may file a written appeal to the Undergraduate Administrative Board. Grounds for appeal are limited to: arbitrariness or capriciousness (the agreement was rejected based on standards different from this policy); and/or unlawful discrimination (in which case the student should follow Simmons' grievance procedure for bringing a claim of unlawful discrimination, as outlined in the Undergraduate Catalog and elsewhere.) A written appeal accompanied by an Undergraduate Petition for Incomplete Grade should be submitted to the Administrative Board.
Incomplete Grades for Graduate Students
Graduate students seeking an Incomplete grade can submit a Petition for Incomplete Grade that must be approved by Instructor, Program Director, and Dean.
Classroom Reservations
The Office of the Registrar can book classrooms for one-time meetings or full semester-long course classroom requests. All classroom requests must be submitted in writing via email. Phone call requests will not be processed. Please allow 1-2 business days for your request to be processed. Requests are processed in the order they are received.
The Office of the Registrar is able to book all classrooms; however, if you need to book a conference room, please contact the Conferences and Events Office.
Data & Information
The Office of the Registrar provides reports with university data to faculty and staff upon request. Please email us at [email protected] to request to have a specific report generated for you.
Faculty and Staff
Instructor consent
In some cases where students cannot register themselves for a course, they may be granted consent to be registered.
Administrative board
The Simmons Administrative Board consists of six faculty members who vote on decisions and several administrators who are in advisory capacity: the dean for student life or a designee, the director of disability services, a faculty member from the nursing department.
Privacy of Student Records
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records.