Final Exams

Final Exams are scheduled for Undergraduate students at the end of each Fall and Spring term. The Final Exam Matrix outlines the exam schedule for the current semester, displaying calculated exam times for classes that meet at standard times. In some cases (e.g., group exams comprising several class sections), the matrix is not followed, and the official exam schedule will vary from the proposed matrix table. Students should confirm their final exam dates and times with their instructors before making travel arrangements for the end of the semester. Download the Spring 2025 Final Exam Schedule.

Exam Schedule Postings

The Office of the Registrar will post the Final Exam Matrix by the end of the semester's add/drop period so that students can make travel arrangements for the end of the semester.

Final Exam Rules

Examinations scheduled by the Office of the Registrar during the regular examination period cannot be taken at any other time. Students should therefore plan their vacation schedules to begin after the semester's last scheduled examination. No comprehensive final examinations of any kind are given during the last week of classes, and no final examinations are given before the scheduled final examination period begins. Hourly exams may be given during the last week of classes if they have been scheduled on the syllabus from the beginning of the semester.

Absence from a final exam will be treated as any other "incomplete," and an instructor's (evaluation) grades must be submitted by the final date for submitting grades, unless an Incomplete Request has been approved by the Administrative Board beforehand.

Exams are held regardless of inclement weather. In the case that an examination is canceled because of extremely severe weather, the examination will be held the day after the final date of scheduled testing or on the designated make-up date.


Students may encounter direct conflicts between two exams. Under these circumstances, required courses take priority, so the student should make an effort to arrange the make-up exam for an elective course with the respective instructor. If the student and the instructor cannot achieve a mutually agreeable solution, the student should see the Chair of the department through which the course is offered. This process is designed to provide flexibility and support to students managing their exam schedules.

Please notify the Division of Student Engagement, Success, and Diversity for scheduling exceptions resulting from extreme personal hardship or religious observance.

Any additional exceptions or alternative arrangements that are needed are at the instructor's discretion, and the Registrar's Office does not need to be notified.

For Faculty

Department and program faculty members will be contacted by the Office of the Registrar for lists of courses that will have scheduled final examinations held during the final examination period. Final examinations can be held for two hour increments or three hour increments. No exam can be longer than three hours.

  • Three hour exams are held in the following time slots: 8:00am, 11:30am, 3:00pm, and 6:30pm

Office of the Registrar
