Environmental Health

Students working in a lab

Study the critical intersection of environmental science, public health, and social justice

If you are planning to go into a health profession, a minor in Environmental Health will help you understand both the environmental and social determinants of health, and see how intimately linked they are. 

Similarly, if you are majoring in Biology with the Environmental Science track, the Environmental Health minor offers you the opportunity to study issues of environmental justice more in depth.

An interdisciplinary study of the intersectionality of health, environmental science, society, and social justice. Collection of five courses for the minor. Students will form a better understanding the complex and interconnected aspects of the sociocultural determinants of health and the environment around us.

Requirements List

BIOL104 Introduction to Environmental Science 4
BIOL245 Principles of Ecology 4
CHEM101 Chemical Determinants of Health 4
SOCI220 Working for Social Justice 4
PH241 Health, Illness & Society 4
PH245 Global Health 4