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- Biochemistry
Students in this rapidly growing field apply biological and chemical theories and techniques to the understanding of life processes.

Biochemists find inspiration at the intersection of life and science
You'll explore concepts such as the determination of hereditary traits, utilization of energy, propagation of nerve signals, and the molecular basis of physiological and pharmacological phenomena.
Biochemists work in industries like agriculture, medical research, biotechnology and nutritional research. Our students go on to positions in research and industry, as well as graduate study in biochemistry, medicine, genetics and other related fields.
First Year
BIOL113 | General Biology | 4 |
BIOL221 | Microbiology | 4 |
CHEM113 | General & Quantitative Chemistry I | 4 |
CHEM216 | General & Quantitative Chemistry II | 4 |
MATH120 | Calculus I | 4 |
Sophomore Year
BIOL225 | Cell Biology | 4 |
CHEM224 | Organic Chemistry I | 4 |
CHEM225 | Organic Chemistry II | 4 |
PHYS114 | Fundamentals of Physics I | 4 |
PHYS115 | Fundamentals of Physics II | 4 |
MATH121 | Calculus II | 4 |
Junior Year
BIOL337 | Molecular Biology | 4 |
CHEM331 | Thermodynamics & Kinetics | 4 |
CHEM345 | Biochemistry | 4 |
A 300-level elective in biology or chemistry |
The biochemistry major combines aspects of chemistry and biology to prepare our students for careers and graduate study in science and technology. Your advisor will help you tailor a program of study that fits your interests and career goals. This might include a dual major, accelerated program or a complementary minor.
We believe that students need both theoretical and practical experience as preparation for biochemistry careers. Biochemistry majors do their independent study research either in chemistry with a thesis and an oral defense (CHEM 355) or in biology (BIOL 350). If registered for CHEM 355, biochemistry majors must also register for CHEM 390 Chemistry Seminar.
Recent senior theses in Biochemistry include:
- Zun Zar Chi Naing '14
"Transcranial Ultrasound-Optical Transmission Correlation" - Vera Alexandra Kirch '14
"Analysis of Zcchc6 uridyltransferase activity on microRNA regulation and cytokine expression using TALEN and CRISPR-Cas9 systems"
Our Faculty

Rich Gurney
Professor and Chair of the Chemistry and Physics Department

Michael Berger
Professor Emeritus

Jennifer Roecklein-Canfield

Arpita Saha
Associate Professor

Cherie Ramirez
Associate Teaching Professor

Joe Elias
Assistant Professor

Meghan Johnston
Associate Teaching Professor

Shreya Bhattacharyya
Associate Teaching Professor and Clare Boothe Luce Professor
Michael Paul
Associate Teaching Professor
Spotlight on Biochemistry Students and Alums

Honoring the National Day of Racial Healing
January 21, 2025 — the day after Martin Luther King Jr. Day — is the ninth annual National Day of Racial Healing (NDORH). Created by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, NDORH "is an opportunity to engage in collective action to create a more just and equitable world."

Simmons Biochemistry Alum’s Nonprofit Celebrates 10-year Milestone
Oksana Hradyska ’12 recently celebrated the 10th anniversary of her successful non-profit, Sitters for Scholars. Hradyska founded the organization as a free babysitting service in 2014, in response to the lack of affordable and reliable childcare for parents attending college. The services were later expanded for low-income, single-parent families.

STEM Student Receives Research Scholarship from American Chemical Society
Biochemistry major and Literature and Writing minor Reagan Cleversey ’26 received the competitive James Flack Norris / Theodore William Richards Summer Research Scholarship from the American Chemical Society. She spoke with us about her passion for medicinal chemistry and the importance of mentorship.

Debora Edouard ’24 and Kadijah McClean ’24 Open Simmons Chapter of the National Society of Black Women in Medicine
Established in 2017, the National Society of Black Women in Medicine is committed to increasing the recruitment and retention of Black women pursuing careers in the medical field. This academic year, Neurobiology major Debora Edouard ’24 and Biochemistry and Public Health minor Kadijah McClean ’24 co-founded the Simmons chapter of the Society.

Congratulations to the 2024 Senior Scholars
The annual Senior Scholar Award is sponsored by the Provost's Office and the Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships. The award recognizes six graduating seniors for their outstanding scholarship and contribution to a field of study.

Associate Professor of Biology Eric Luth Co-Authors Scientific Article with Former Students
Neurobiologist Eric Luth recently co-authored a peer-reviewed article in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A (October 2021) with several of his students: Celine Breton ’21, Kaitlyn Kessel ’23, Ariel Robinson ’19, and Kainat Altaf ’22. The piece traces developmental abnormalities among worm populations after exposure to environmental contaminants.

Simmons Announces Passionate Leaders Project Scholars for Fall 2023
The Passionate Leaders Project supports Simmons undergraduates by enriching their academic & professional interests beyond the classroom. Students may request up to $4,000 to support their research, internships, and creative endeavors. This semester’s students produced research related to human rights, documentary film, healthcare access, therapeutic care databases, the neurodevelopment of fruit flies, Muslims’ experiences with healthcare in Boston, and software that supports Simmons’ food pantry.

Kadijah McClean '24 Shares her Experience as a Doctors in Italy Fellow
Pre-med student Kadijah McClean spent a portion of last summer in Milan as a Doctors in Italy Fellowship Program participant. She spoke with us about her transformative experience working and traveling abroad. Tell us about the Doctors in Italy Fellowship...
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