French and Francophone Studies

At Simmons, you'll learn advanced language skills and speak eloquently about subjects ranging from civilization to literature.

Students in the library

Avez-vous une passion pour la langue et la culture françaises?

Our students are eager, intuitive and hard-working, expanding their understanding of French culture through in-depth courses and independent learning.

We encourage our students to develop their global perspective through study abroad opportunities. Our students go on to successful careers in fields such as education, writing, marketing and law.

The minor in French and Francophone Studies consists of five courses above the 201 level to be distributed as follows:

FREN202 Intermediate French II 4
FREN245 Conversation and Composition 4
One civilization course
One literature course
Two electives

Internships and study abroad are a key component of the French major. In a cultural center like Boston, there are myriad opportunities to build your skills, résumé, and networking relationships with organizations in the city and beyond. Our students have worked in the following institutions as interns:

  • French Cultural Center in Boston
  • Brookline High School