For Faculty

Faculty Led Travel Courses are a short-term, credit-bearing, global learning opportunity open to all Simmons students. FLTCs provide valuable dimension to student learning that cannot be replicated on campus and are often noted as a top influential aspect of student learning. These courses are proposed and designed by Simmons faculty member(s) and the majority of the course takes place abroad for 1 – 6 weeks. Undergraduate FLTCs take place during the Spring semester during either Spring Break or at the conclusion of final exams. Graduate FLTCs take place at varying times throughout the academic course calendar.

Interested in Designing a Faculty Led Travel Course?

Faculty work with Department Chairs and Curriculum Committee to build course offerings that adhere to both department needs and university expectations for academic programming. Additionally, faculty should connect with the Center for Global Education as a resource to assist faculty with expertise of the Forum on Education Abroad Standards of Good Practice. All faculty are invited to complete the Faculty Led Travel Course Proposal forms below and to consider touching base with the Center for Global Education for further information surrounding the responsibilities as a faculty leader.

Faculty Led Travel Course Application Process

April 1: Phase 1 Submission Due

Please note, the Dean’s signature of approval must be included for the proposal to be complete. Approved courses by the Education Abroad Council are invited to submit Phase 2, a full proposal, by June 15.

Center for Faculty Excellence and CGE Training

Once approved by the Education Abroad Council, Faculty must attend a 90-minute session to discuss the Education Abroad Forum Standards of Faculty Travel Abroad and Curriculum Design. Date TBD.

June 15: Phase 2 Submission Due

Once your course has been finalized and approved, all faculty will attend a 2-part, collaborative workshop on leading a Faculty Led Travel Course. This workshop will be led by the CGE and past faculty travel course leaders.

July 1: New Courses Only - Curriculum Committee Approval


The Center for Global Education

The Center for Global Education, located in the Center for Student Success, oversees all study abroad opportunities and university exchange partnerships, international student services and many initiatives to help globalize the Simmons experience.