Junior Book Award Program

The Junior Book Award Program recognizes female, non-binary, genderfluid, and/or transgender-identifying high school juniors who exemplify the qualities of a Simmons University student, including leadership, community service, caring for family, passion for all social justice, climate change, and acts of kindness; and embody one or more of our core values.

Simmons University's Core Values

  • We believe in changing the world for the better by inviting the best of the world to change us.
  • We believe in strengthening our communities by nurturing inclusion and belonging.
  • We believe in leading and modeling leadership through everyday action.
  • We believe in improving society by connecting theory to practice.
  • We believe in increasing our power to influence by increasing our willingness to serve.

The selection of the Book Award recipients will be announced Early May 2025. The book and certificate will be mailed to the nominator to give to the recipient.

Book Award

Nominate a Student

Deadline: April 10, 2025
Please note nominations do not guarantee a book award, as limited books will be available.

  • Nominators must be a school counselor, advisor, principal, CBO organizers, or educational consultant.
  • Nomination: 100-500 words, in which the nominator explains why their nominee represents Simmons University.

Submit your Nomination