Tuition and Fees
Simmons University is committed to providing a quality education for our students. We work with students and their families to help manage the cost of higher education.
Simmons University reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify its educational, housing, extracurricular, and other programs at any time, including, providing courses remotely and/or online. The transition of a course, activity, and/or services from an in-person format to an online, hybrid, and/or other format will not result in a tuition refund or the refund of other fees. For information on whether Housing and Meal Plan fees will be refunded in the event the University requires students to vacate University Housing based on health and safety concerns, please review the University’s Housing License Agreement and all attendant addendums.
Tuition, fee and housing rates for undergraduate students
In 2024-2025, the estimated expenses for a typical full-time undergraduate resident student who is a non-nursing major are $69,443. If you are a Dix Scholar, your cost will be dependent on how many courses you take. For a Dix Scholar, your costs will be listed in brackets.
Fee Type | Fall 2024 | Spring 2025 | Total |
Undergraduate Non-Nursing Full-time Tuition Students are charged the flat rate of $22,767 for 12-18 credits. Students enrolled in more than 18 credits will be charged $1,423 per credit in addition to the flat rate. | $22,767 | $22,767 | $45,534 |
Undergraduate Non-Nursing Full-time Accelerated Programs (3+1, etc.) Students are charged the flat rate of $22,767 for 12-22 credits. Students enrolled in more than 22 credits will be charged $1,423 per credit in addition to the flat rate. | $22,767 | $22,767 | $45,534 |
[Part-time Undergraduate / Dix Tuition] | $1,423 per credit | $1,423 per credit | — |
Undergraduate Housing and Meal Plan | $8,809 | $8,809 | $17,618 |
Activity Fee (1) | $175 | $175 | $350 |
Health and Wellness Fee | $495 | $495 | $990 |
Health Insurance (2) | $4,951 | — | $4,951 |
Study Abroad Fee (3) | $1,367 | $1,367 | — |
Simmons Direct Textbooks (4) | $22 per credit | $22 per credit | — |
Undergraduate (Non-Nursing) Total | $37,197 | $32,246 | $69,443 |
(1) This mandatory fee serves as general financial support for student services and activities, and does not establish any right to engage in any specific activity or receive any specific service on campus or in-person.
(2) Student Health Insurance is charged once per year to any student enrolled at least ¾ time (9 or more credits ) per MA state law. You can submit a waiver if you have your own, comparable insurance. The waiver must be completed once a year by the deadline. Learn more about Student Health Insurance.
(3) If studying abroad for a particular semester.
(4) All undergraduate students are charged $22 per credit for the Simmons Direct Textbook program. You can opt out if you choose to purchase books yourself. To opt out or get more information, visit the Simmons Direct Textbook website.
Summer 2025 | |
All Undergraduate Non-Nursing Tuition | $1,423 per credit |
Housing and Meal Plan | TBD |
In 2024-2025, the estimated expenses for a typical full-time undergraduate resident student who is majoring in Nursing are $73,801.00. If you are a Dix Scholar, your cost will be dependent on how many courses you take. For a Dix Scholar, your costs will be listed in brackets.
Fee Type | Fall 2024 | Spring 2025 | Total |
Undergraduate Nursing Full-time Tuition Students are charged the flat rate of $24,926 for 12-18 credits. Students enrolled in more than 18 credits will be charged $1,559 per credit in addition to the flat rate. | $24,946 | $24,946 | $49,892 |
[Part-time Undergraduate / Dix Tuition] | $1,559 per credit | $1,559 per credit | — |
Undergraduate Housing and Meal Plan | $8,809 | $8,809 | $17,618 |
Activity Fee (1) | $175 | $175 | $350 |
Health and Wellness Fee | $495 | $495 | $990 |
Health Insurance (2) | $4,951 | — | $4,951 |
Study Abroad Fee (3) | $1,367 | $1,367 | — |
Simmons Direct Textbooks (4) | $22 per credit | $22 per credit | — |
Undergraduate (Nursing) Total | $39,376 | $34,425 | $73,801 |
(1) This mandatory fee serves as general financial support for student services and activities, and does not establish any right to engage in any specific activity or receive any specific service on campus or in-person.
(2) Student Health Insurance is charged once per year to any student enrolled at least ¾ time (9 or more credits) per MA state law. You can submit a waiver if you have your own, comparable insurance. The waiver must be completed once a year by the deadline. Learn more about Student Health Insurance.
(3) If studying abroad for a particular semester.
(4)All undergraduate students are charged $22 per credit for the Simmons Direct Textbook program. You can opt out if you choose to purchase books yourself. To opt out or get more information, visit the Simmons Direct Textbook website.
Summer 2025 | |
All Undergraduate Nursing Tuition | $1,559 per credit |
Housing and Meal Plan | TBD |
Fall 2024, Spring 2025, Summer 2025
Tuition is calculated on a per credit basis each semester.
Tuition (Non-Nursing) | $500 |
Tuition (Nursing) | $500 |