
Communications hero

Craft messages, build stories, and shape conversations

Communication is essential in all aspects of life — shaping how we interact, connect, and make impressions on each other and the world around us. At Simmons, you’ll learn how to craft messages that generate meaning across contexts, cultures, channels, and media.

We offer our BA through the Gwen Ifill School of Media, Humanities, and Social Sciences. Our communications program emphasizes media convergence — the intersection and interaction of multiple media disciplines. You will learn skills to navigate the changing world of communications through internships and real world projects in our Boston location. This prepares you for careers as designers, journalists, social media managers, digital media analysts, and communications strategists.

We also host two joint majors in Public Relations and Marketing Communications and Interaction Design & Web Development.

What Will You Study As A Communications Major?

We tailor our degree program to match your personal and career aspirations. You’ll choose from a mix of courses in the Design, Journalism and Integrated Media concentrations. Also, you will master in-demand communications technologies. We offer courses on graphic design, social media platforms, podcasting, video, animation, digital imaging, web design, and many more.

As a Communications major, you’ll gain:

  • An integrated curriculum that fosters flexibility, adaptability, and empathy
  • A hands-on, project-based approach that emphasizes immersive and collaborative learning
  • Opportunities to develop critical thinking and critical making skills
  • Access to prime internship opportunities in media, health, education, and tech, thanks to our Boston location

What Can You Do With A Bachelor's Degree In Communications?

A bachelor’s degree prepares you for roles in strategic communications, the arts, marketing, public relations, journalism, and more. In hands-on classes and internships, you will gain valuable experience while teaching you how to succeed in teamwork. You will work with organizations like Boston Ballet and Harvard Medical School. These experiences will help you develop both creative and technical skills.

List some recent jobs held by our alumnae/i:

  • Reporter
  • Audio Producer
  • Development and Communications Coordinator
  • Illustrator
  • Graphic Designer
  • Digital Marketing Specialist
  • Journalist
  • Photographer
  • Web Developer
  • Social Media Strategist
  • Content Producer
  • Marketing and Creative Director
  • Design Strategist
  • Production Management
  • Writer
  • Engineering Design Professional
  • Junior Art Director
  • Copywriter
  • Communications Director
  • Multimedia Producer
  • Creative Strategist
  • Professor

The communications department offers a program in Communications with concentrations in Design, Journalism, and Integrated Media, a joint program between Communications and the Business in Public Relations and Marketing Communications, a joint program between Communications and Computer Science in Web Design and Development, an Interdisciplinary major in Arts Administration, and three Complete Degree programs, which are entirely on-line and geared toward adult learners. The course requirements for these programs follow.

BA in Communications

Communications majors complete 42 credits in Communications, including 3 required core courses, 2 1-credit technology courses, 4 courses in their concentration, 2 courses outside their concentration, and an independent learning Capstone experience.

Step One: Core Requirements

All Communications students take a three-course introductory core:

COMM121 Visual Communication 4
COMM122 Media Writing and Editing 4
COMM124 Media, Messages and Society 4

Step Two: Technology Courses

All students complete at least two-credits of technology skill-based courses:

COMM110 Introduction to 2D Design Technology 1 1
COMM112 Introduction to Animation & Motion Graphics Technology 1 1
COMM114 Introduction to Audio and Video Editing 1

Step Three: Concentration Courses

Courses are broadly organized around the concentrations of Design, Integrated Media, and Journalism.

Students take 4 courses in one of the concentrations below, and 2 courses distributed among the other two concentrations. At least two of these six courses should be at the 300 level.

Design Integrated Media Journalism
COMM 210 Introduction to Graphic Design COMM 120 Communications Media COMM 181 Public Speaking and Presentation
COMM 241 Design Thinking COMM 163 Radio Operations and Podcasting
COMM 215 Blogging and Op/Ed Writing
COMM 240 Typography COMM 186 Introduction to Public Relations and Integrated Marketing Communications COMM 260 Journalism
COMM 244 Web Design COMM 224 Storytelling COMM 263 Social Media Journalism
COMM 246 Digital Imaging for Design
COMM 220 Video Production
COMM 310 In-Depth Storytelling
COMM 248 Type and Image COMM 222 Animation COMM 312 Health Communications
COMM 286 Advertising Practice and Branding COMM 262 Media Convergence COMM 320 Media and the First Amendment
COMM 333 Responsive Design
COMM 269 Globalization and Intercultural Communications (periodic travel course)  COMM 322 Video Journalism
COMM 340 Advanced Design COMM 281 Content Creation and Strategies
COMM 327 Culture of the News
  COMM 323 Digital Cultures
  COMM 324 Social Media: Social Listening and Analytics  

Step Four: Capstone

Students take at least 4 credits of an independent learning Capstone in the senior year:

COMM370 Internship 4
COMM380 Capstone Internship 0
COMM390 Studio 5: A Communication Workplace 4

Integrated Media Concentration

Students in Integrated Media complete the Communications Core, 2 Technology courses, 4 courses in the Integrated Media concentration, 2 courses in Design and/or Journalism, and a Capstone.

Integrated Media Courses:

COMM120 Communications Media 4
COMM163 Radio Operations and Podcasting 4
COMM186 Introduction to Public Relations and Integrated Marketing Communications 4
COMM220 Video Production 4
COMM222 Animation 4
COMM 224 Storytelling 4
COMM262 Media Convergence 4
COMM269 Globalization and Intercultural Communication 4
COMM281 Content Creation and Strategy 4
COMM323 Digital Cultures 4
COMM324 Social Media: Social Listening and Analytics 4

Journalism Concentration

Students in the Journalism Concentration complete the Communications Core, 2 Technology courses, 4 courses in the Journalism concentration, 2 courses in Design and/or Integrated Media, and a Capstone.

Journalism Courses:

COMM181 Public Speaking and Presentation 4
COMM 215 Blogging & Opinion and Editorial Writing 4
COMM260 Journalism 4
COMM263 Social Media Journalism 4
COMM310 In-Depth Storytelling 4
COMM312 Health Communications 4
COMM320 Media and the First Amendment 4
COMM322 Video Journalism 4
COMM327 Culture of the News 4

Design Concentration

Students in the Design Concentration complete the Communications Core, 2 Technology courses, 4 courses in the Design concentration, 2 courses in Journalism and/or Integrated Media, and a Capstone.

Design Concentration Courses:

COMM210 Introduction to Graphic Design 4
COMM240 Typography 4
COMM241 Design Thinking 4
COMM244 Web Design 4
COMM246 Digital Imaging for Design 4
COMM248 Type and Image 4
COMM286 Intro to Advertising Practice and Branding 4
COMM333 Responsive Design 4
COMM340 Advanced Design 4

Independent Learning

Our students take advantage of internships at arts and cultural organizations in Boston and beyond, building their skills and resumes and learning from mentors in their fields.

Our students fulfill their independent learning and internship requirements in a variety of ways, including recent placements at Boston Herald, Harvard Medical School, Lesley College, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, and the Boston Ballet, to name a few. 

Spotlight on Communications Students and Alums

Assistant Professor Kat Lombard-Cook with Fall 2024 Studio 5 students

Studio 5: A Student-owned Curriculum

Studio 5 constitutes the senior Capstone project for communications and public relations/marketing communications majors at Simmons. We take a closer look at the hands-on, experiential learning model of Studio 5, Simmons’ student-run communications agency.

Mattea Ortiz ’28, dressed in a Daredevil costume

Celebrating Trans Awareness Week with Simmons Undergraduate, Journalist, and Comics Fan

First year student Mattea Ortiz ’28 reflects on the benefits of a women’s-centered institution for trans, queer, and nonbinary students.

Elizaabeth Carr ’04

Alumna Shares Journey from “Miracle” Birth to Fertility Advocacy

For Elizabeth Carr ’04, the first IVF baby born in the United States, fertility education constitutes empowerment and advocacy. She spoke with us about her widely publicized birth, new historical memoir, and formative experience at Simmons.

Krystianna Pietrzak (KP) ’20 and Jessie Andrew ’20 in front of a color wall of graffiti

Simmons Alums Create “Queer-Led Web Design” Team

We celebrate Pride Month with 2020 graduates KP and Jessie, who run Inkpot Creative, a unique website development company that offers cutting edge website design for photographers, with a focus on inclusivity.

Bella Yee ’24

Flourishing in the Community at Simmons and Completing Meaningful Internships

Bella Yee ’24 is a Public Relations and Marketing Communications major, with minors in Business and Public Policy. She is the Communications Director for the Student Government Association and Co-President of the Communications Liaison. Yee also interned for the Massachusetts legislature, most recently for the Office of Representative Adrianne Ramos.

Rachel Andriacchi ’24 enjoying a snowy day

Reflecting on Opportunities in Communications and the Decision to Chase a Career in Journalism

Rachel Andriacchi ’24 majored in Communications and is the Op-Ed Editor of The Simmons Voice, the student news site of Simmons University, and the Co-Editorial Lead of CommTracks, the annual magazine produced by seniors from the Communications Department. Now approaching graduation, Andriacchi reflects on their experience at Simmons.

A row of children's books on a shelf. Robyn Budlender robzy_m, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Children’s Literature Editor Karen Boss ’95 ’13 Champions Diverse Authors in Successful Career Change

Karen Boss ’95 ’13MA earned a double Bachelor’s degree in Communications and Sociology and returned to Simmons twenty years later for her Master’s in Children’s Literature. She is a senior editor at Charlesbridge, where she works on fiction and nonfiction picture books, and middle-grade and young adult works.

Lynne Kaplan ’73

How Lynne Kaplan ’73 Made a Career Out of Her Gift for Communicating

Lynne Kaplan ’73 has enjoyed a long career in business consulting. A common thread that links her work is the commitment to support individuals in personal and professional development.