Health and Exercise Science

The Health and Exercise Science Program prepares students to pursue rewarding careers within the healthcare, fitness and wellness fields.

Students in an exercise science class

Are you ready to get moving?

Students will receive a solid foundation in the sciences of exercise and health through hands-on experiences and coursework in the health/fitness industry. Our students are prepared for entry into graduate programs towards careers in fields such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, athletic training, clinical exercise physiology, kinesiology, medicine, osteopathic medicine, chiropractic medicine, optometry, sports performance, wellness, and more.

Throughout their time within the program, our students have the opportunity to conduct clinical research, work in rehabilitation settings, develop & lead group exercise and physical activity programs, and more. These opportunities provide skills mastered through service learning engagement with community organizations, and in our world-class neighboring health centers.

Learn more about the Health and Exercise Science Program


Majors will complete four prerequisite courses, a core consisting of ten courses plus one elective spread out across their four years. All Majors are required to have CPR and First Aid Certifications by March 1 of their senior year. 3+3 Exercise Science/DPT students should refer to the undergraduate DPT course sequence in the course catalog. The suggested four-year sequence for core courses is:

First Year

BIOL113 General Biology 4
BIOL115 Advanced General Biology 4
CHEM111 Principles of General Chemistry 4
CHEM112 Principles of Organic Chemistry 4

BIOL 113, BIOL 115, CHEM 111, CHEM 113, and CHEM 112 include labs

BIOL 113 or BIOL 115, and STAT 118 or STAT 227: prereq. for BIOL 246

CHEM 111, CHEM 112: prereq. for BIOL 231

Students may complete BIOL 113 or BIOL 115 to fulfill Introductory Biology requirement.

Students may complete CHEM 111 or CHEM 113 to fulfill Introductory Chemistry requirement.

First Year or Sophomore Year

STAT118 Introductory Statistics 4
PSYC101 Introduction to Psychological Science 4
NUTR112 Introduction to Nutrition Science 4
EXSC100 Introduction to Exercise Science 2
EXSC110 Form and Function in Resistance Exercise 2

Sophomore Year

BIOL231 Anatomy and Physiology I 4
BIOL232 Anatomy and Physiology II 4
BIOL246 Foundations of Exercise and Health 4
BIOL 231, BIOL 232, and BIOL 246 all include labs.

Junior Year

BIOL332 Exercise Physiology 4
PSYC232 Health Psychology 4
EXSC361 Exercise Assessment & Prescription 4
CPR with AED Training -offered during DPT orientation-junior year summer

BIOL 332 and EXSC 361 include labs

BIOL 332: prereq. for EXSC 361

First Aid Certification offered during EXSC 361 lab at cost

Senior Year

PHYS110 Introductory Physics I 4
BIOL362 Kinesiology 4
BIOL370 Internship 0

BIOL 362 includes lab 

BIOL 370: 8 credits (4 credits in Fall and 4 credits in Spring)

**Students in the 3+3 Exercise Science/DPT program require 2 semesters of physics prior to entering the grad program:
PHYS 110                       Introductory Physics I

PHYS 111                       Introductory Physics II

PHYS 110 & PHYS 111 include labs

Courses in DPT curriculum that satisfy Exercise Science degree requirements:

DPT612 Professional Seminar 1
DPT672 Frameworks of Physical Therapy: Musculoskeletal I 7
DPT613 Professional Seminar 1
DPT673 Frameworks of Physical Therapy: Musculos keletal II 7
DPT621 Human Anatomy 7
DPT622 Movement Science I 3
DPT652 Evidence Based Practice I 2
DPT 612 and DPT 672: Serves as a replacement for BIOL 370 (Fall)
DPT 613 and DPT 673: Serves as a replacement for BIOL 370 (Spring)  
DPT 621 and DPT 622: Serves as a replacement for BIOL 362
DPT 652: Serves as a replacement for 2nd EXSC  elective (1st met by PHYS 110)

Exercise Science Electives:

AST232 Race, Gender & Health 4
EXSC233 Strength and Conditioning 4
CHEM223 Principles of Biochemistry 4
SOCI241 Health, Illness & Society 4
SOCI345 Health Systems & Policy 4
SOCI266 Sociology of Sports 4
NUTR110 Sociocultural Implications of Nutrition 4
NUTR215 Sports Nutrition 4
NUTR311 Nutrient Metabolism 4
NUTR360 Lifestyle Rx 4
Mind-Body Medicine
PHYS110 Introductory Physics I 4

NUTR 311: CHEM 223 prereq.

SOCI 345: SOCI 101 prereq.

The Exercise Science minor allows any interested student an opportunity to gain knowledge of the role that exercise plays in health and disease.

Required Courses

BIOL246 Foundations of Exercise and Health 4
BIOL332 Exercise Physiology 4
EXSC100 Introduction to Exercise Science 2
EXSC110 Form and Function in Resistance Exercise 2
STAT118 Introductory Statistics 4

Additional Exercise Science Elective

AST232 Race, Gender & Health 4
EXSC233 Strength and Conditioning 4
CHEM223 Principles of Biochemistry 4
SOCI241 Health, Illness & Society 4
SOCI266 Sociology of Sports 4
SOCI345 Health Systems & Policy 4
NUTR110 Sociocultural Implications of Nutrition 4
NUTR215 Sports Nutrition 4
NUTR360 Lifestyle Rx 4
NUTR311 Nutrient Metabolism 4
PHYS110 Introductory Physics I 4
BEH 405A Mind-Body Medicine at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is also an allowed elective.

You'll work with a faculty advisor to tailor your program to your interests and career goals. Simmons students have many opportunities to further customize with dual majors, accelerated programs, direct entry pathways and complementary minors.

Examples of the Accelerated Programs and Graduate Program Direct Entry Pathways through the Health and Exercise Program include:

  • 3+3 Doctor of Physical Therapy Track
  • 4+3 Doctor of Physical Therapy Track
  • 4+3 Doctor of Occupational Therapy Track
  • 4+1 Masters of Nutrition and Health Promotion
  • 4+2 Masters of Athletic Training
  • 4+3 Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine

Facilities and Equipment:

The Exercise Physiology lab contains high level research grade equipment for students to gain experience and develop hands-on skills in assessing determinants of health.

Our students master skills in areas such as measurement and assessment of oxygen consumption (VO2), neuromuscular activation (EMG), thermogenic, metabolic, pulmonary and cardiovascular responses to exercise, and more. Our newly renovated Science Labs and Holmes Sports Center serve as a living lab for acquiring skills in Exercise Assessment and Prescription, Kinesiology, Exercise Physiology, Strength & Conditioning, and Foundations of Exercise and Health.

Internship and Research Opportunities:

Simmons is located in the Longwood Medical area, home to world class medical, clinical and research facilities. Our students have completed a variety of research and internship experiences at regionally and world renowned organizations:

  • BostonChildren's Hospital
  • Brigham and Women's Hospital
  • Mass General Hospital
  • Beth Israel Deaconess
  • Dana Farber Cancer Institute
  • Joslin Diabetes Center
  • Harvard Medicine Ginty Lab
  • Tufts Medical Center
  • Spaulding Rehab Hospital
  • Boston Medical Center
  • and more
Students in an exercise science class

Direct Graduate Pathways Available to Students

Simmons University and A.T. Still University's College of Graduate Health Studies are now partners! Learn more about that and about other direct entry enrollment pathways available to Simmons students!

Learn More

Spotlight on Exercise Science Students and Alums

Kiani Jacobs

Finding Community at Simmons as a Transfer Commuter Student

While at Simmons, Exercise Science major and Health Care Management minor Kiani Jacobs ’23 received the 2023 Senior Scholar Award and interned at the Harvard Medical Ginty Lab on Neurological Research. Starting a PhD in Exercise Science this fall, she...

Haleigh St.Hilaire ’24

Developing a Personal Passion into a Capstone Research Project

Exercise Science student and Barbara Lee Fellow Haleigh St.Hilaire ’24 explores the intersection of Exercise Science and Public Health through her internship at the Massachusetts State House.

Photos of the six award winners

Undergraduate Recipients of 2023 Senior Scholar Award

Six seniors across the University have been selected as recipients of the 2023 Senior Scholar Award, in recognition of outstanding scholarship and contribution to a field of study.

Sydney Iannantuono - Exercise Science major

Major Spotlight: Sydney Iannantuono ’23, Exercise Science

Simmons Academic Mentor, Sydney Iannantuono, tells us what she loves about being an exercise science major and why she thinks her program has the best faculty.

Jenny Huynh's color-coded planner

Tackling Time Management with the Simmons Academic Mentors

Saloni Kumar '23 caught up with the Simmons Academic Mentors to bust time management myths, find out their unique study styles, and uncover their expert studying tips.